Sheila Kitzinger Birth Story Video


In this wonderful video showing Sheila kitzinger featured by OneWorldBirth, the great author and founder of the Birth Crisis Network, tells her lovely birth story and in a such short time we can learn so much from simply listening.

The vital importance of telling your Birth Story and feeling heard has long been understood by doulas, natural birth workers and traditional midwives. Fortunately it is now being taken more seriously in the mainstream birthing world, although most hospitals still only recommend sessions for mothers who have experienced a very traumatic birth, advising them to attend a debriefing session with a senior midwife or doctor. Birth Crisis Network is a support network where women can ring trained supporters about a traumatic birth.Women and families can also contact Doulas and Midwives to understand any part of the birth process and often uncover other feelings that they didn’t know where there – like loneliness, abandonment issues, resentments, and even hidden joys.